Founder/President, The Feldman Group Inc.
Washington, DC
Diane T. Feldman is founder and President of The Feldman Group, Inc., a national strategic research firm, founded in 1989. The company works for progressive candidates for public office, organizations, and issue groups. Feldman and her company have worked extensively on issues related to civil rights and civil liberties, helping to defeat ballot initiatives that would restrict voting rights. Feldman served on the advisory board of Protecting Our Vote, a political action committee committed to educating the public regarding restrictive voting laws, mobilizing voters to take action at the polls, and protecting the right to vote. Feldman also has particular expertise working with women candidates and on issues of particular interest to women.
Feldman’s commitment to education is long standing. She began her career as a cognitive psychologist. She holds a Ph.D. in experimental psychology and quantitative methods from the State University of New York at Binghamton. She was the recipient of a National Science Foundation fellowship to conduct research at Haskins Laboratories and Yale University on verbal and spatial learning, and held a post-doctoral fellowship at Duke University. She is a published author in academic journals and taught psychology and research techniques at the college level.