Sustaining Donor Program

The YPP Sustaining Donor Program is a group of esteemed individuals who believe in YPP’s mission to use math literacy work to develop the abilities of elementary and high school students to succeed in school and life and to involve young people in efforts to eliminate institutional obstacles to their success.

Sustaining Donors are deeply committed to helping YPP realize its vision of a day when every young person – regardless of ethnicity, gender, or class – has access to a high quality education and the skills, attributes, and community support s/he needs to successfully meet the challenges of their generation.

Sustaining Donors are individuals across our nation who contribute $5,000 or more, payable outright or over a period of up to five years. These funds provide general operating or program specific resources to allow YPP to successfully implement its transformational and innovative programs.

We are grateful for the generosity of our Sustaining Donors and wish to recognize and celebrate their commitment and benevolence in the following ways:


Annual Gatherings & Events

Annual gatherings, including our Regional Community Tours, where Sustaining Donors can network with others who care about our movement and hear from special guests who are leaders in efforts to ensure high-quality, equitable education and champions of civil and human rights. Receive 1st notice and premier access for all special events, that take place throughout the year.

Network Highlights

Regular updates that highlight our Math Literacy Workers and our elementary and middle school students and share the State of YPP with an emphasis on the progress of our capacity building and growth strategy.


The knowledge that your financial support and thought leadership is helping to shape leaders and transform communities.


Sustaining Donors have the option to be recognized publicly on YPP's website.

To make a Sustaining Donation Pledge, register here.

To make a Sustaining Donation Contribution now, click here.