Madison Middleton
- Madison Middleton
- Boston, MA
What have you learned from YPP?
YPP does the work that they do by using the youth to help other youth. I have learned through YPP that nothing is more vital than using the power and voice of young adults. We have the greatest impacts on each other. Our supervisors at The Young People’s Project give us the power and the keys to help mold our student's brains in a positive way. We are given the freedom to construct fun, and creative math games to have our students participate in. These type of things we are able to do at YPP impact our society greatly.
What are some marketable skills have you been taught and how have you applied them in school and home?
A marketable skill I have been taught at YPP is definitely, independence and patience. I’ve applied both in my everyday life. Working at YPP you have to step out of your comfort zone a lot and lead activities on your own sometimes.